Monday, February 22, 2016

Pure Religion

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Thomas Samuel is 86 years old. God still gives him vision to expand and develop ministry here in the jungles of south India. Just this year Thomas received a burden for the young widows. There is no pension or social security for these ladies. There is no life insurance policy or charity programs to help lighten the load. They have children to raise. Just keeping a roof over their heads is difficult since many of the homes they live in are literally crumbling. And so Thomas and Marykutty took the initiative and started a relief ministry for these widows. 

Young Widows
We met with 12 wonderful ladies who all have lost their husbands. Each one stood and told us their name, how many children they had and how their husbands passed away. Some died of health problems, some were in car wrecks, some committed suicide. Two women were abandoned. All of them were young with young children. 

Each is given rice and lentils
I was asked to speak to the ladies. What can you say? We are sorry for your loss? We can't imagine your grief? The only encouragement was to tell them of God's love and provision for them. Through the kindness of QCI these ladies have found a place that is showing the love of Christ to them in authentic and practical ways. Once a month they come here, they participate in prayer and praise to the God of the Bible. They are given a sac of rice and lentils. They are given about 300 rupees (a day's pay). They are served lunch. One lady's roof was in need of repair. QCI put a new tin roof on her home. What better encouragement could there be then to know that God loves the widow and fatherless children? How can they know that if we do nothing? 

Later we made a visit to see the latest member of Pastor Vasu's family. Little Sarah was born one week ago weighing in at just under 5 pounds. Everyone is doing fine.
Jemema, Vasu, Joyce and Sarah

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