Friday, February 26, 2016

Turning Our Hearts Toward Home

We arrived by rail in Bangalore yesterday. It was a pleasant 2 hour ride in an AC car with large windows. The Indian railroad prides itself on always being on time. And it was! Viju picked us up at the terminal and we quickly were swallowed up in the overcrowded traffic. As you take in the sights, you are so aware of Thomas Samuel's words, "You can not just hear about India, you must experience it." For instance, we drove behind a fuel tanker that said, "Caution, contents inflammatory."  I thought you might enjoy seeing just a sample of the sights you may see in India. Just click on the pictures to make them bigger.

Tribal Out House minus the house
Village Laundromat

Motorcycle built for 4 or 5 or 6
The Neighbors

The Infrastructure


Water-top Property
Where are they taking me?

We got the Right of way


Road construction IS a work in progress