Wednesday, February 10, 2016

India Needs Our Prayers

It has been a very different few days then we planned. Due to the order of the local authorities our plans to continue the Medical/Good News Outreach ceased. So we spent our time in quietness and prayer.

The spiritual climate here is definitely charged. You can feel it all around. Thomas called his pastoral staff to meet with us for a prayer meeting. It was a precious time as we prayed, sang and recited scripture in several different languages.

Picking Totes at the Tailoring School
Yesterday we took the bus to the nearby village to visit the tailoring school and purchase some of the handmade items. As we stepped off the bus, we discovered a policeman taking our pictures and watching us. When he was questioned he said he was just doing his job. In spite of his presence, we enjoyed visiting with the girls and their teacher Soji.

Team B leaves in the morning
We witnessed the funeral procession of a forest ranger that was killed by a local tribal boy. We were prevented from taking any field or shopping trips because the main road was closed due to construction. That is the only road that leads to Quiet Corner. Due to all the changes to the schedule, we have decided to send Team B back to Bangalore a day early. They will use the time to shop and rest before the long journey home on Saturday. They will leave at 6:00 AM on Thursday before the road closes for construction. Our last day together ended with a bonfire.

Currently, Team A is waiting for word from the local authorities regarding our participation in the Leadership Bible School which is February 15-20.  If the police do not give us permission, we will not conduct the school which would be a great disappointment to the pastors who look forward to it. Persecution toward Christians is gaining strength in India. Please pray for Quiet Corner. India needs our prayers.