Sunday, February 14, 2016

God is Our Fire and Glory

Even the monkeys miss Team B!
As the bus carrying Team B pulled out of the gate, Quiet Corner became quiet once again. We all wish they were still with us. What a fantastic team! They will never know how much we appreciated their excellent attitudes and cooperation in light of the circumstances. 

Soon after their departure we were left with the decision whether to go forward with the Bible School. Sal and Tom had gone to town and within minutes there was a policeman watching them. Benji and Deva went to get permission from the local police to have us teach. The police said it was fine as long as we did not do any outdoor speaking with microphones. We asked that be put into writing but he was unwilling to do so. With that said, Sal decided we should not go through with the school. We called Thomas and Paul to let them know. We were all sad and disappointed.

The next morning Sal got up and opened his Bible to Philippians 1:12-14:  Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.  As a result, it has become clear through the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear. 

Sal felt God convicting him that we had been listening to the advise of men and had not truly sought God. These verses spoke clearly to his heart to stay and teach. He left each of us to make our own decision to join him or not. Both Tom and I trust his discernment and we all agreed to teach. 

Some students have already arrived. Others will be arriving tonight and tomorrow morning. We will start sessions tomorrow afternoon. Please pray for us and for protection. God has shown me the following verse. I am claiming it for the coming week. Zechariah 2:5   Then, I myself, will be a protective wall of fire around Jerusalem (Quiet Corner) says the LORD. And I will be the glory inside the city (camp)