Saturday, February 20, 2016

Basking In Blessings

Class of 2016
It's a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness as we concluded the final day of the Bible School. Happiness because the students are
thrilled with all the material and information they were given. Sadness because we must say goodbye to old and new friends as they leave to return to their homes. This year we gave each student a pen drive with instructions how to download free Bible software. Most students now have lap tops and the study tools will be most useful for them in their ministries.

Tashi & Philemon
Tashi and Philemon are old friends. They are leading Bible Vision Teams that travel from state to state distributing Bibles. They shared that times have changed in India. Only in the last two years have they sensed danger in entering these remote villages. They ask for prayer for safety as they continue to serve.

Right now I am sitting on the terrace balcony and listening to the lively sounds of the surrounding jungle. There is one annoyed
monkey somewhere nearby that is sending out a very angry message. Birds are chirping out a symphony of melodies. In the distance is a constant playing of music from a Hindu festival. The summer winds are blowing and a rooster just crowed. This is India. The beauty of this place is amazing.

One personal sadness for me was the realization that due to the trouble we encountered with the local authorities, we would not be able to visit a small local village where a sweet little girl lives that Sal and I are quite fond of. We know Prayma since she was about three. It was love at first site. Each year I look forward to our visit. But this year I saw no hope of seeing her. Yesterday I did some errands and my driver asked if we could stop at the Good Shepherd Medical Clinic on the way back. As we pulled into the grounds, children were leaving the school. And there she was! Prayma.
Sweet Prayma
I called her name and she looked at me but did not immediately know who I was. Then I took off my sunglasses and her eyes got bright and huge with excitement. She ran into my arms and started kissing and hugging me. All I could do was thank God for the chance to see her. It was to me a personal confirmation that though this trip has had some bumps in the road, the Lord was well pleased. Just having a few minutes with Prayma was a personal blessing and continues to put a smile on my face.