Thursday, February 11, 2016

Love, joy, peace. . .against these things there is no law!

It was just before the dawn that Team B loaded their luggage on the bus and shared a final cup of tea before leaving for the long trip home. If there was disappointment in our hearts over the closing of the mission project, you would never know. Instead we basked in the Fruit of the Spirit which was pouring from them with each kiss and hug. Galatians 5:22, a familiar verse to most of us,  lists the fruit and Team B demonstrated the fruit-
Love: Everyone praising God and extending His love to one another.
Joy: Pushing away the disappointment, they continued with a happy attitude and trust in God.
Patience: Almost moment by moment plans were changing and they received it with great patience.
Kindness: Words of encouragement and gestures of mercy given.
Goodness: No "what if's" or "if only's" - only words that were good and uplifting.
Gentleness: Expressing gratitude for having been a part of the trip. Comforting one another with sincerity.
Self-control: No anger or unkind words but bringing everything under the control of the Holy Spirit.
The law may have interrupted the mission project but against the Fruit of the Spirit THERE IS NO LAW!

As we watched the bus drive off, Team A was left behind as the quiet returned again to Quiet Corner. We instantly missed them all. Our day was spent waiting as staff members met with the local police chief to get a guarantee that we could conduct the Leadership Bible School beginning Feb. 15. Our only demand was they provide our permission in writing. As of this moment, they were unwilling to do that. We are almost certain the Bible School will be cancelled now unless God provides a miracle. What remains right now is the witness of Team B - and against such things THERE IS NO LAW. 

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