Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bible School in Full Swing

Let me start off by apologizing for not posting sooner. The Bible School is in full swing and the days fly by quickly. This is day four with two more to go. Things are great. We haven't even had a power outage yet! And no sign of the local authorities. Thank you, Lord.

The students trickled in Sunday and Monday. By Tuesday morning we had 20 pastors and church leaders in attendance. Our day is full beginning at 9:30 AM with the first session and ending at 6:30 PM. The students are delighted with the information they are receiving. They share with us that this depth of teaching is not readily happening in the churches here. Yesterday, at the end of one
session, they were full of questions about false teachers and bad teachings which run rampant in India.  We are sharing resources with them so that they can continue to hear sound doctrine on line and pass it on to the churches. One student suggested we think about pod-casting the Leadership School so it can be shown all over India.

Dinner is served around 7:30 PM. Each night a number of pastors request to meet with Pastor Sal after dinner to share their burdens and receive counsel from a fellow pastor. They are precious men of God and we are humbled when we hear of the troubles they suffer for the sake of the Gospel. Persecution of Christians has escalated over the past 2 years since the new prime minister took office. Many of the pastors feel their lives are in danger. But they also are dedicated to spreading the Gospel and believe that God will protect them. Please pray for Christians in India.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! Podcasts sound great, too!

    Praying for these beautiful men and the work that God is doing through you and them... Don't worry. :) Sending each of you on the team hugs of encouragement from your flock back home.
