Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday in Mavanhalla

The Lake Country Patio
The New Kitchen
Leaving Bangalore before sun-up on Saturday, we arrived just in time for lunch at beautiful Quiet Corner. We were amazed at the improvements and new construction that have taken place since we were last here. The paved walk ways and enlarged dining patio are a pleasant site as you make your way through the iron gates. The newly constructed kitchen is a huge upgrade. We all marveled at the modern equipment that now occupies a space four times the size of the original kitchen.

The winter here in the mountains experienced an over abundance of rain which has resulted in much greenery and flowering trees.

After unpacking and settling in, we all retired quite early in anticipation of attending Mavanhalla Bible Church on Sunday morning. Pastor Benji told everyone to turn to Psalm 130 for the responsive reading and that Pastor Sal would then give a message based on the Psalm. This was the first Pastor Sal was hearing of it. The poor man had all of three minutes to prepare his message. All things considered, he did a fine job.

After lunch we visited the village and stopped in to chat with some old friends. Annama is a Hindu woman who has been a friend for years. She and her husband faithfully attend the Couples Outreach that we offer each year. They are looking forward to the event on February 7. We enjoyed a very happy reunion when we visited Pastor Vasu and Joyce and son, Jonathon. They are now living in a new home in the village. It took 10 years for them to slowly build the house as funds became available. Now they
Joyce is happy in her new home
are living in a solidly built home with lots of room, much different from the small rundown home they formerly occupied.

Delegates for the Standing In The Gap Prayer Summit trickled in all day from all over India. Others are due to arrive tomorrow morning. The sessions will kick off at 10:30 AM. The Jesus Conference led by Sal and Tom will begin on the 27th. It will be a busy week as we prepare for the conference and the medical outreach. Team B departs next Saturday and arrives just in time for breakfast on February 1.

We are honored and humbled to work in partnership with the ministry of Quiet Corner, India. Please pray for us to do what we can and trust God to do what we can not. 


  1. How beautiful it is there!
    I wonder.....was the sermon on Psalm 130 three minutes long? Glad you were up to the task, Sal!
    Cold and sunny here...snow melting.

  2. Love the Patio. What an honor and a blessing.
